With the House, Senate, and Oval Office up for grabs, many citizens are hoping that a push of the blue wave will make some sizable changes in U.S. policy. And while foreign policy and social issues are at the forefront of debates and media coverage, renewable energy remains a huge part of political agendas moving forward. In a world of continued greenhouse gases and a reliance on fossil fuels, that’s great news for environmental activists and those looking to create a greener future for the planet.

But the question remains: Can the U.S. be powered by renewables by 2035? It’s a tough question to answer, yet many experts say it’s entirely possible.

The University of California at Berkeley Report

According to a new report from the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California – Berkeley, the reduced cost of renewable energy should lead to a substantial rise in renewable energy. So much so, in fact, that the report estimates that 90% of the country’s energy sources should come from sustainable sources by 2035.

What makes this report a point of contention is that it halves the time that many experts deem a reasonable expectation for renewable energy sources. Prior to this study, most sustainable energy experts pointed to 2050 as a doable date for a shift to a majority of renewable sources. But as the costs of battery powers, solar panels, and other technology becomes more feasible and politicians promote greener policies, 2035 suddenly becomes realistic. And that’s exciting news for a plan to lower warming to a maximum of 1.5 degree Celsius.

Dependency on Public Policy

Without strong public policy toward green energy, however, the plan for 90% renewable resources by 2030 becomes moot. Therefore, a reemergence or long-term switch (several years) to fossil fuels will derail any opportunity to reach this goal. Thus, politicians will have to reach across the aisle to ensure that environmentally friendly initiatives continue to pass through local, state, and federal governments.

What Renewable Energy Sources Will Provide the Change?

While solar power has become an integral source of power for people’s personal homes and small businesses, other renewables have emerged as strong contenders for reshaping how we get power. This includes:

  • Wind power
  • Hydroelectric power
  • Geothermal power
  • Bio power

As these are still expensive sources, a balance must be struck between these sustainable energy sources and other options such as coal, oil, and nuclear power. But as the prices of operation fall, these green energies should continue to emerge as the preferred power source.

Our team at 3 Phases Renewables is always on the forefront of the latest information, technology and requirements to assist you.  Rely on our energy consultants to assist you on your “Go Green” journey in order to maximize your benefits and increase your bottom line.

Other Benefits of Renewable Energy by 2035

In addition to the reduction of temperature linked to global warming, renewable energy by 2035 will also usher in an unprecedented number of other benefits. According to the report, this includes:

  • A reduction of $1.2 trillion in health and environmental damages
  • 85,000 less premature deaths from 2035 to 2050
  • Cheaper power bills than today (adjusted for inflation)
  • A 27% reduction in carbon-based emissions

Plus, the number of jobs created will no doubt provide more opportunities for people, especially in rural or blighted areas.

With the emergence of renewable energy solutions at lower operating costs and on the verge of profitability in the near future, sustainable power sources may be closer than you think.

Contact us to discuss the various options available for your business.  Our company specializes in renewables and we’re glad to assist.