If you’re searching for ways to expand your business, make it more profitable, or boost your reputation and presence, you probably have a list of solutions. However, not all of them are guaranteed, just like anything else in business. That is, with the notable exception of a green energy initiative.

With a green energy initiative, you not only enhance your business dynamic and foster a better tomorrow for the planet, but you also reap a number of other benefits. If you’re searching for a win-win addition to your business and how your business can benefit, read on about green energy initiatives.

Earn Tax Credits

As a business owner, you’re always searching for ways to lower your tax liabilities and maximize your bottom line. But rather than use creative accounting to cut your taxes, a green energy initiative can lower your taxes in a way that won’t alert the IRS to your business dealings.

In 2009, the federal government established a number of initiatives to encourage business owners to use green energy. Several states followed thereafter. That means if you install solar, wind, or geothermal power in your business, you can get about ⅓ of the installation cost back on your taxes.

Become a Steward of Social Responsibility

While business owners want to maximize their profits and cut costs, successful companies are so much more than that. They’re pillars of the community and lead by example.

A green energy initiative demonstrates this leadership role and helps them become a steward of social responsibility. Although you may not see an immediate impact in your community, the increased visibility is half the battle. You may just see more businesses and residences around town follow suit.

Attract Customers

In the modern age, corporations understand the attractive nature of green initiatives. That’s why you see compostable cups at Starbucks, plant-based “meat” at McDonald’s, and other measures designed to cut waste and help the environment.

But what’s the real reason for these transitions? To attract customers. As a proponent of green energy, you encourage growth and business from people who care about the environment. And even those that just want a low price may come to your business due to societal pressure.

Either way, you can go green and reap the benefits of a larger market and customer base.

Save on Costs

More and more companies are going remote during COVID, but just as many are itching to get back in the office. If this describes you, green energy is a godsend. Not only can you return to your workplace, but you can also cut costs while doing it. Whether you’re installing green energy systems or just moving all your paperwork to a cloud, you’re going to see the difference on your energy bill or office supplies.

Implementation Issues? Rely on Our Clean Energy Consultants

If you’ve never implemented a green energy initiative, the entire process can feel overwhelming. But don’t go it alone. Instead, call our green energy consultants at 3 Phases Renewables. With experience in the business, an understanding of how to cut costs, and ideas for a greener future, our team has everything you need for a successful transition to sustainable energy and business practices.  Send us a message or give us a call to discuss your clean energy business plans.