As the world continues to experience the effects of climate change, more and more businesses are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact. Small businesses, in particular, have an opportunity to lead the way in sustainability efforts. One-way small businesses can become greener is by leveraging technology to reduce their carbon footprint. In this article, we’ll explore some of the ways technology can help small businesses become greener.

Energy Monitoring

One of the simplest ways technologies can help small businesses become greener is by monitoring energy usage. With the help of energy monitors and sensors, small businesses can track their energy usage in real time. This allows them to identify areas of waste and take action to reduce their energy consumption. For example, businesses can use this data to turn off lights and appliances when not in use or adjust temperature settings based on occupancy.

Energy Management Systems

Energy management systems take energy monitoring a step further by automating energy-saving processes. These systems can be programmed to turn off lights and appliances when not in use, adjust temperature settings based on occupancy, and even control the use of energy-intensive equipment such as HVAC systems and refrigerators. By automating these processes, small businesses can reduce their energy consumption without sacrificing comfort or productivity.

Cloud Computing

Onsite servers and infrastructure can be a significant source of energy consumption for small businesses. However, cloud computing allows businesses to store and access data and applications on remote servers, reducing the need for energy-intensive on-site servers and infrastructure. This not only reduces energy consumption but also saves businesses money on hardware and maintenance costs.


The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that many businesses can operate remotely without sacrificing productivity. By allowing employees to work from home or use telecommuting solutions, small businesses can reduce the need for employees to travel to and from work. This can lower their energy usage, save money on office space and utility bills, and even cut the emissions produced by commuting by car.

Video Conferencing

Business travel is a significant source of carbon emissions. However, video conferencing technology can reduce the need for travel by allowing businesses to conduct virtual meetings with clients, partners, and employees. It can help companies save on travel expenses, all while reducing the mass amounts of emissions from airplane travel.

Online Sales and Marketing

Physical storefronts require energy-intensive lighting, heating, and cooling systems. However, e-commerce is changing the game. Small businesses can use online platforms to sell products and services, reducing the need for multiple physical locations or large offices. Online marketing can also help businesses reach a wider audience without relying on paper-based marketing materials.

Digital Document Management

Small businesses can reduce their paper usage by using digital document management solutions such as cloud storage and electronic signatures. Companies like DocuSign and its competitors provide great options on a shoestring budget, regardless of your needs. Through these platforms, your business reduces the amount of paper and slashes printing and mailing costs.

Ask a Green Energy Consultant

Implementing all of these technologies and alternatives at once can feel overwhelming for a small business owner.

So, if you’re not sure what the next step should be, contact our green energy consultants at 3 Phases Renewables.  We can help you harness reusable energy while maximizing all the credits available to you. With a simple consultation, we can help you discover many ways to use tech, as well as employ other ideas to go green.