On the last Friday of April, people throughout the country celebrate Arbor Day — a commitment to keeping the planet green and healthy by planting trees. While this is normally observed by schoolchildren, environmentalists, and eco-conscious individuals, it’s also a perfect time for you to show your business commitment to going green.

Although Arbor Day isn’t typically a time when you’ll see a major increase in sales, it’s an excellent opportunity to show your social and environmental responsibility to the community, your customers, and future clientele. Here are a few tips to make this Arbor Day extra special.

Plant Some Trees

An obvious option to go green with your business this Arbor Day is to plant some trees. Team with an environmental organization or a local or regional park to see if they’re planning any events and tag along.

If you can’t find an event, you can always organize something on your own. Plant trees, shrubs, or flowers in your business landscaping, at a church, or a school. Anyone will be appreciative of your efforts.

Use the Opportunity for Employee Wellness

Studies have shown that being outdoors and getting exercise isn’t just great for physical health — it’s also ideal for improved mental health. So, while getting outside and doing a nature walk isn’t necessarily dedicating your business to going green, it’s a smart idea on Arbor Day.

If you want to go the extra mile, you can schedule a guided tour that talks about the native foliage and trees in your area, as well as the importance of preserving it.

Reduce Waste in Your Office

If you want an applicable way to go green this Arbor Day, renew your commitment to waste reduction. This might include ideas such as:

  • Using recycled paper
  • Putting an emphasis on digital documents rather than printed ones
  • Giving your employees reusable water bottles
  • Switching to green cleaning products
  • Doing business with companies committed to sustainability
  • Starting a recycling program in your office or local business district

Whatever you decide to do, you’re taking the right steps toward a better future for the planet and an improved reputation among consumers, clients, and employees.

Invite a Guest Speaker

Not every person was raised with green practices. You might find the trash bin filled with recyclable material, litter in your parking lot, or lights left on throughout your building. The good news is that most people just need a little bit of education.

While you can create literature and hold meetings about these issues, a guest speaker can emphasize these ideas, touch upon Arbor Day, and provide the information your employees need to change their habits.

Talk to a Green Energy Consultant

Another effective way to go green with your business this Arbor Day is to make a leap toward environmentalism and renewable energy in your office. If you’ve never made this decision in the past, you’re probably not sure where to start.

That’s when you should contact our renewable energy consultants. With our years of experience and expertise at 3 Phases Renewables, we have the ability to audit your business and help you make the right choices toward going green while maintaining your budget.

So even if you don’t plant any trees, you can at least plant the seeds of sustainability throughout your business.