3 Phases Renewables has been supplying renewable energy to Direct Access customers for over 15 years and has been a certified Scheduling Coordinator for over 10 years. We continually have the highest renewable energy content of all load serving entities in California. You can rely on our expertise to help your load serving entity meet its clean energy goals.
Put our energy experience to work for you
Meet clean energy targets at your load serving entity
Competitive prices
We understand the complexities of the Western markets
Benefit from our strong relationships with generators
3 Phases Renewables has been a certified scheduling coordinator since 2005. We schedule load as well as renewable and carbon-free generation. Additionally, we offer scheduling services, portfolio management services, and other administrative services. We have over 15 years of experience selling renewable energy to California customers.
Contact us for more information about scheduling services.
3 Phases Renewables has experience selling renewable energy to other load serving entities in WECC. We sell renewable energy that is compliant with California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), including Portfolio Content Category (PCC) 1, 2, and 3. We also have experience selling renewable energy in other WECC states.
Contact us to learn more.