With the holidays in full swing, thanking your clients and employees for a sustained business relationship is always important. However, you shouldn’t use this solely as an opportunity to wow them; you should use this chance to showcase your social responsibility and commitment to a greener tomorrow.


Use these sustainable holiday gift ideas for employees and clients to foster a meaningful relationship while also showing that you’re dedicated to the idea of sustainability and eco-friendly solutions.

1. Locally Sourced Gift Baskets

One fantastic option for a sustainable holiday gift idea is a gift basket full of locally sourced gifts. From locally made candles to fresh, local produce, you renew your commitment to sustainability while also supporting local businesses.

2. Reusable Water Bottle

According to statistics, around 1,500 plastic bottles are thrown into landfills every second of the day and take up to 450 years to biodegrade. However, you still want to your staff and clients to stay healthy.


To cut down on waste, provide a handy gift, and use the opportunity for self-promotion, nothing beats a reusable water bottle. Emblazoned with your company logo, a reusable water bottle acts as a walking billboard, all while keeping your recipients hydrated.


You can also extend your swag to other eco-friendly products, such as coffee mugs or reusable shopping bags.

3. Plant-a-Tree Programs

Trees are responsible for taking a vast majority of CO2 out of the atmosphere, reducing pollution and providing cleaner air the process. If you want to lower your carbon footprint, honor your staff or client, and make the air more breathable, plant-a-tree programs are optimal.


For a small fee, these organizations will plant a tree in honor of your recipient. They also provide you with a certificate that shows how much the tree benefits the environment, which is a meaningful gesture to both the planet and your intended recipient.

4. Recycled Goods

Another ideal holiday gift idea for employees and clients isn’t about the gift itself, but rather, how it’s made. Any recycled product can make a huge impact on the environment and lower carbon emissions produced during the manufacturing process without any downgrade to quality.


Some options for recycled goods that double as great gifts include stationery sets, recycled glass ornaments, organic clothing, naturally made cosmetics and toiletries, and even indoor hydroponic gardens.

Give Yourself the Gift of Green Energy — And Set an Example for the Future

While you’re treating your employees to an eco-friendly, you may as well do the same for your business. But rather than buying a knickknack for the office, consider green energy to power your business.


Our team of energy solution experts at 3 Phases Renewables is experienced in all renewable energy solutions.  Give us a call and let’s team up by providing you a wide range of options to choose from for your business.


With the help of a trained green energy consultant, you can find ways to save on energy and utility bills, power your business sustainably, and lower your carbon footprint — all at the same time. It may not be the most glamorous gift, but you’ll pat yourself on the back when you see the savings, realize a competitive advantage, and recognize your improved reputation among customers and employees.


We look forward to helping you, give us a call to book a consultation conversation.